A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
Or maybe not so far away!
It is time for young apprentices and their masters to meet on planet Earth – specifically at the training temple in Havre de Grace – to save the galaxy! But take caution… a strange, time traveling portal will open, through which notable space warriors arrive from distant ages and galaxies. Who will we meet? Perhaps a princess, an alien master, or even a bounty hunter? All must unite, along with the forces of good, to defeat one of the darkest villains of all time.
This thrilling, comedic and interactive show will captivate fans both young and old! Apprentices will receive their very own lightsaber, and will be given the opportunity to participate in a special onstage training as part of our show! Following the show, there will be an epic dessert party with plenty of treats from both the light and dark side, and you can take “holographs” with all the characters!
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