Footworks Percussive Dance Ensemble is long recognized as a creative and pioneering force in presenting roots-based music and percussive dance. Celebrating over 36 years touring internationally, Footworks delivers acclaimed theater productions and festival performances, along with arts-integrated programming for schools and universities. With a dazzling and diverse array of traditional and original music and choreography, HOT STRINGS AND FLYING FEET takes you on a journey that conveys the roots and branches of American music and dance, integrating live music, song, and dance to illuminate connections between cultures. “A brilliant music and dance troupe with one foot in tradition and the other in innovation,” (The Irish Echo ) Footworks’ performances reach all ages and backgrounds, and “pack as much skill, pizzazz, energy, imagination, and artistry” (The Washington Post) as any audience could ask for.
“The group’s techniques ought to be patented…a fast paced, witty and exuberant exhibition of their remarkable skills. In short, a first rate show.” – THE WASHINGTON POST
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