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Historic Ship Maryland Dove Visits Havre de Grace

June 23, 2023 - June 25, 2023

Frank J. Hutchins Memorial Park

Havre de Grace welcomes The Maryland Dove to our City.
The Ship will be arriving on the June 23 (Time to be determined) and departing on June 25.
Docking will be at Huchins Memorial Park, 100 Congress Ave.

Public Deck Tour Times:
June 24- 10am- 5pm
June 25- 10am- 5pm

Historic St. Mary’s City (HSMC) is proud to announce Maryland Dove will be sailing to different ports of call around the Chesapeake Bay in 2023, thanks to a grant from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority and matching funds from Historic St. Mary’s City Foundation. The state-funded ship was built on Maryland’s eastern shore and delivered to Historic St. Mary’s City in August 2022.
During the Bay Tour, Maryland Dove will be open to the public for free deck tours at each of the heritage areas for one to three days at a time. “We look forward to partnering with fellow heritage areas,” said HSMC Director of Education, Peter Friesen, “to help connect the traveling exhibit with communities further away than our typical audience.” Maryland Dove and its dockside exhibits emphasize the waterways of the region, pre-colonial heritage, and interactions between different cultures. The ship and its exhibits are designed to elicit conversation, highlighting the depth of history represented in the area and the interactions between Native peoples and European colonists. Maryland Dove is a unique representative of the complicated history, representing colonization and the effects on those that called the land home.




June 23, 2023
June 25, 2023
Event Categories:


Frank J. Hutchins Memorial Park
121 St. John St.
Havre de Grace, MD 21078 United States
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City of Havre de Grace
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